Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Always, Sometimes, Never...

I Always. . .

* Make sure to show Holdyn just how much I love him. Daily, hourly, minutely…I am always kissing him and telling him I love him. I don’t ever want to take him being my son for granted.

* Put on deodorant multiple times a day. It’s not that I stink… it’s just that I can’t stand the feeling of naked arm pits☻

* Am worrying about something. My car made a funny sound, this mole looks weird, is Holdyn doing something dangerous right now, what if there’s an earthquake while I’m at work at can’t get home. It makes me crazy!

* Get butterflies when I am about to see Cory. Even if we’re fighting, I still get anxious to see him. I may not want to talk to him, but I like to know we’re within close proximity to each other☻

* Wear my seat belt. It saves lives people!

I Sometimes. . .
* Tickle Cory to sleep while I watch TV at night. I don’t love to tickle him any other time, but for some reason, I don’t mind so much when we’re cuddled up on the couch.
* Wish we could move to Lake Powell and work there for a summer
* Worry too much about what people think about me. Even though I know I’m a good person and try my best, there are certain people who have consistently tried to make me feel otherwise no matter how hard I try to be nice. I have a hard time accepting that some people are selfish and just need the drama in their lives. It’s been a hard lesson to learn.
* Desperately want another baby. And then I realize that it’s the good parts I want, not the hard parts! I have to constantly remind myself that we are making the right decision… getting out of debt, getting a new house, and spending quality time with Holdyn… before we decide to bring in another family member. I know I’m not personally ready for another baby, but newborns always give that sunshiney feeling that’s so hard to resist!
* Wish my aunt, mom, and grandma lived with me Okay… not WITH me, but in some sort of extension off of my house! I love spending time with them ☻

I Never. . .
* Go to bed until I can barely keep my eyes open. I hate sitting in bed, waiting for sleep to come. I watch TV or read until sleep takes me away.

* Cook. I hope to one day learn, but I honestly can’t picture it!

* Go to the bathroom without the water on. I’d prefer that the fan be on and the noise of a giant construction site, but running water will do if it must!

* Go more than one day without rocking Holdyn to sleep. It is my favorite time of the day and no matter what kind of day it’s been, that half hour of him in my arms rises above all of the other moments.

* Sweep things under the rug. You will always know how I feel about a situation or you! I like to get things resolved and express how I feel so I can get it out of my brain. That’s how I roll

I Believe. . .
* I will have a fairy tale life. Not the happily ever after kind, I’m not that naive, but I know I will look back at the end and feel so lucky to have had great love, great kids, and in general… a fairy tale life!
* Being a mother is what I am on this Earth to do. I’m kind of a lazy person But being a mother is the one thing I put my all into. I will never slack in this department!
* This too shall pass. Every good, bad, scary, heartwarming moment will pass. Take advantage of every moment and etch it in your mind. This is how you learn lessons.
* That love is all you need. I have doubted this before, but I know that if you love each other (spouses, family, friends), things will always be okay. If you have love, nothing can bring you down.
* Santa Clause does exist!

I tag whoever wants to do this!

1 comment:

Natalie Weiler said...

So I think in essence you tag me because I love this. So fun to get to know you in a few different ways. We need to do a playdate sometime soon.